Cover your face with my stuff!
I am pleased to offer masks at my Redbubble site. There are a bunch of different designs available. As of this post, they are offering a...

Best of Bonebat - NEW LINK!!
http://vimeo.com/411884034 We hope you are all staying safe, and enjoying your quarantine! Steve and I (with the help of a number of our...

Best of Bonebat Online Film Fest
Until such time as the world re-opens for business, the Comedy of Horrors Film Festival X will remain in a holding pattern. We don't like...

I wrote a short story - Assistant Dishwasher
SISYPHUS SMILED I smelled like your dinner for months. If you ate at Trago on the weekend, I probably washed your plate. I was the...

Bonebat Comedy of Horrors Film Fest Kickstarter is LIVE!
NOW is the time to get your discounted tickets and merch. Support our kickstarter and the independent horror / comedy film community.

Why yes, this IS cool.
If you are tired of me posting gig posters for Clout, well...tough. Check out the details on this one I just did:

Gig poster for Clout
I did another poster for Clout. Check it!!

Check out what I put up the my new Etsy shop. Stickers! Buy one now and I throw in another random sticker.

New Backpacks Are Available
Carry your precious belongings and look great doing it with the new The Cthulhu Republic Backpack, Beeotch Baackpack, and the Melting...

The BoneBat Comedy of Horrors Film Festival 2019
The planet's only horror comedy film festival has tickets on sale NOW. Film makers, there is still a little time left to submit your film...