Hekker? I barely even know 'er.
I don't know if you saw this little gem over the wekend, but if there was ever a bitchass punter acting like a bitchass on national TV,...
Thank you!
Thank you for supporting the Comedy of Horrors 2016 Film Festival. It's ON!

Hot, Cheap and Going Fast
Three days left. Get your Comedy of Horrors Film Festival Tickets while they are hot & cheap. Hit up our kickstarter now, or pay more for...

Excellent Shorts
Even if you have no desire to go to the Comedy of Horrors Film Fest, or to be a part of our kickstarter, you really ought to check out...

Comedy of Horrors Kickstarter launch
Oh yeah, it's on! Join Steve and me as The BoneBat Show presents the SIXTH "Comedy of Horrors" Film Fest, in our swanky new digs, SIFF...
It must be happening, because there's a PDF.
Oh yah. Check out #5. That's me. Chocolate will be served. So we got that going for us.

Gord at the Gallery
Friday the 13th is my first gallery showing. Well, not a WHOLE gallery, but a wall. 6-8PM See paintings and prints. Meet me in person. In...

new site is LIVE! Boosh
So here it is in all its glory. the new site. Regular toons and a few new Hitlerballs cartoons. Next step is adding tags to the zillion...

So what's this Hitlerballs thing about anyway? Glad you asked. Unlike Mightywombat, which has few returning characters and no cohesive...

New site is almost done
work work work. Just testing out the blog function. You know you can buy my stuff, right? Like the Cthulhu Republic shirt. I get a lot of...